Sunday, November 11, 2012


Hey y'all! Wanted to share another cute picture and give y'all an update! Everything has been so busy with getting Mommy settled traveling back and forth to Shreveport.  Daddy and I are here with our Sleeping Beauty today! And guess what? Daddy said the new doctors are more optimistic here about Mommy waking up. I don't 'zactly know what optimistic means on account of I'm not even 2 months old, but it must be good because Daddy was smiling! Daddy and I also can tell Mommy is more active each time we come and this is very good news! She was so glad to snuggle me I think! Thank y'all for all y'all do to keep us going! The prayers, encouraging words, donations and gifts make us feel so loved! We love y'all too! -Baby JohnMr. SEAN BROWN, BABY JOHN's DAD,  is so deserving to be thought of on this day. He is one of the TRUE VETERAN's who has fought for YOUR FREEDOMS. He has not only FOUGHT for OUR COUNTRY but now he is fighting to save his FAMILY. Please REMEMBER and keep him in your PRAYERS as you go throughout this day....


You have not been forgotten by my family or I for all you have been through.We appreciate and honor all you have done, given up and all that is you.We do not have to worry about where we will lay our heads.Where as you never knew where you would sleep at night.THANKS TO YOU we are BLESSED to be able to sleep in our beds.You never knew if you would get rest or would have to fight. You would have to work whether it was night or day.You just PRAYED that GOD was protecting you and keeping you safe.Our FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES and what we hold dear  Were sacrificed by many through SWEAT, BLOOD and TEARS.We have been grateful to call this COUNTRY our home.While many of you end up homeless while you were gone.For in their lives, there are many who are ungrateful for what's been done.They forget about ALL the FAMILIES that have lost mothers, fathers daughters and sons.There are those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.So you could sleep safely in your bed at night.We need to live everyday and treat OUR VETS with RESPECT.To them we owe many THANKS and each and every breath.For you see, without  those who gave some and those who gave all.You do not have the right to be here or to be standing that tall.For those who are no longer here but have passed on, may your MEMORY and LEGACY forever be remembered while you are gone.
For those who are still abroad and fighting to till this day,May GOD PROTECT YOU and safely bring you home, I PRAY!!You have not been forgotten by my family or I for all you have been through.WE APPRECIATE AND HONOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE, GIVEN UP AND ALL THAT IS YOU!!!

A few people have talked about still registering for this &  doing this in their home town sounds good to me. This family needs & deserves our support!

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