Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hey Ya'll

Hey y'all! Wanted to share another cute picture and give y'all an update! Everything has been so busy with getting Mommy settled traveling back and forth to Shreveport. Daddy and I are here with our Sleeping Beauty today! And guess what? Daddy said the new doctors are more optimistic here about Mommy waking up. I don't 'zactly know what optimistic means on account of I'm not even 2 months old, but it must be good because Daddy was smiling! Daddy and I also can tell Mommy is more active each time we come and this is very good news! She was so glad to snuggle me I think! Thank y'all for all y'all do to keep us going! The prayers, encouraging words, donations and gifts make us feel so loved! We love y'all too! -Baby John
Hey y'all! Wanted to share another cute picture and give y'all an update! Everything has been so busy with getting Mommy settled traveling back and forth to Shreveport.  Daddy and I are here with our Sleeping Beauty today! And guess what? Daddy said the new doctors are more optimistic here about Mommy waking up. I don't 'zactly know what optimistic means on account of I'm not even 2 months old, but it must be good because Daddy was smiling! Daddy and I also can tell Mommy is more active each time we come and this is very good news! She was so glad to snuggle me I think! Thank y'all for all y'all do to keep us going! The prayers, encouraging words, donations and gifts make us feel so loved! We love y'all too! -Baby John

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