Thursday, November 22, 2012


Daddy told me on the ride to Shreveport to see Mommy that today is a day to be thankful. I am very thankful we are spending all day with our Sleeping Beauty and also thankful that Daddy said Mommy is making some 'provements. I am also super duper thankful for all of you who pray for us and share our story. Y'all keep us going! Hug your family and hold them tight! ♥ Happy Thanksgiving! -Love, Baby John
Daddy told me on the ride to Shreveport to see Mommy that today is a day to be thankful. I am very thankful we are spending all day with our Sleeping Beauty and also thankful that Daddy said Mommy is making some 'provements.  I am also super duper thankful for all of you who pray for us and share our story. Y'all keep us going! Hug your family and hold them   tight! <3 Happy Thanksgiving! -Love, Baby John

Sunday, November 18, 2012

UPDATE 11-18-2012

Hey, Y'all! Here is another picture from Thursday that is just so sweet we had to share with y'all! Daddy called the hospital to check on Mommy today and guess what? Mommy opened her eyes 2 different times today! Daddy 'splained that doesn't mean she is awake yet, but it means we are one step closer and she is practicin' for opening her eyes and looking at little ol' me! Keep praying, friends! God hears our prayers and my Mommy is getting stronger! -Love, Baby John
Hey, Y'all! Here is another picture from Thursday that is just so sweet we had to share with y'all! Daddy called the hospital to check on Mommy today and guess what? Mommy opened her eyes 2 different times today! Daddy 'splained that doesn't mean she is awake yet, but it means we are one step closer and she is practicin' for opening her eyes and looking at little ol' me! Keep praying, friends! God hears our prayers and my Mommy is getting stronger! -Love, Baby John

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Mr. Sean & Miss Heather Brown

What a BEAUTIFUL LADY, PRAYING YOU WAKE UP FOR YOUR BABY. YOUR BODY had been put to a test. SO GOD was telling YOU you needed to REST. Even though some have weeped. OTHERS, like me  , been PRAYING while you have slept. Now that YOU are BECOMING FAMILY, MINE is PRAYING FOR Ms. Heather, aka SLEEPING BEAUTY.

BIG HEART: It's finally good to put a face to the names. Now my life will nver be the same. Once upon a time our years, everyone meets someone who take their breath away YOU have brought me to tears,. YOU are such A BEAUTIFUL COUPLE. I may be bad with names but I always remember a face. I can see LOVE and GOD's GRACE Though we are not of the same BLOOD, by GOD WE ARE FAMILY........PRAYERS COMING TO YOU, HEATHER and BABY JOHN from MEEEE!!!!!

What a beautiful couple!! Baby John is lucky to have you both as parents. Stay strong....she will wake up. God will see to it.

Betty Such a beautiful family,so sad, but the best part is, God still performs miracles, praying for Him to do just that!
Donna I will be praying that your "Sleeping Beauty" wakes up very soon.
  • Donna AdamsPraying for all of you from Clemson SC
  • Jean  Wonderful, your nation is with you!

    Thank YOU

    Thank you to everyone who has PRE-ORDERED a shirt so far! I have added some different items to the store to include onesies, toddler shirts, youth shirts, the adult shirt, and even a hoodie. We didn't go with the basic hoodie because we want everyone to be able to wear it again and again! Again, thank you so much and just please bear with us as we try to keep up.
    Thank you to everyone who has PRE-ORDERED a shirt so far! I have added some different items to the store to include onesies, toddler shirts, youth shirts, the adult shirt, and even a hoodie. We didn't go with the basic hoodie because we want everyone to be able to wear it again and again! Again, thank you so much and just please bear with us as we try to keep up.

    Baby John & Sleeping BEAUTY-KEEP PRAYING!!

    Hey, y'all! Just got home from seeing our Sleeping Beauty! Today we got to see Mommy doing therapy and I heard them tell Daddy she was 'sponding well to it. An guess what? Daddy sat and held Mommy's hand for a long time and talked to her and when he went to let go she tightened her grasp and pulled Daddy toward her! Even one of the nurses saw her raise her arm this week! She is also off of oxygen and Daddy said that is so very good! But the very bestest part of the day was this right here when I held hands with Mommy and I took a big ol' nap!
    Hey, y'all! Just got home from seeing our Sleeping Beauty! Today we got to see Mommy doing therapy and I heard them tell Daddy she was 'sponding well to it. An guess what? Daddy sat and held Mommy's hand for a long time and talked to her and when he went to let go she tightened her grasp and pulled Daddy toward her! Even one of the nurses saw her raise her arm this week! She is also off of oxygen and Daddy said that is so very good!  But the very bestest part of the day was this right here when I held hands with Mommy and I took a big ol' nap!
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    • Kimberly  Pleaseeeeee God hear our prayers. All of us our prayers. We are pleading for you to heal this Mom. Please hear us. Please hear this little baby and his daddy's prayers. I pray dear God pleaseeeee.
       Stacy  I'm so happy that she is showing signs of waking up! I cried I'm so happy she is doing better!

    • SEED OF MEMORY- BIG HEART:GOD does answer on his own TIME....PRAYERS work KEEP THEM COMING!!! AMEN

    Before we know it we will BLINK and HE will be GROWN. I PERSONALLY know the POWER OF PRAYERS. PLEASE KEEP PRAYING FOR THE BROWNS because I WANT her to wake up to see this baby she has never known and I know BABY JOHN NEEDS his MOMMY.  

    Wednesday, November 14, 2012


    Daddy said there is a Duck Dynasty Marathon on today so I am up ready to watch it! I love me some Si! He was in the army like my Daddy, Jack! Daddy and I are going to snuggle on the couch in our jammies and watch it and I even get to hold t
    he 'mote! We are resting up for another big day of traveling to Shreveport to see our Sleeping Beauty! Thank you so much for all the continued support and prayer! Daddy says every day is one day closer to Bringing Home the Brown's! -Love, Baby John

    Sunday, November 11, 2012


    Hey y'all! Wanted to share another cute picture and give y'all an update! Everything has been so busy with getting Mommy settled traveling back and forth to Shreveport.  Daddy and I are here with our Sleeping Beauty today! And guess what? Daddy said the new doctors are more optimistic here about Mommy waking up. I don't 'zactly know what optimistic means on account of I'm not even 2 months old, but it must be good because Daddy was smiling! Daddy and I also can tell Mommy is more active each time we come and this is very good news! She was so glad to snuggle me I think! Thank y'all for all y'all do to keep us going! The prayers, encouraging words, donations and gifts make us feel so loved! We love y'all too! -Baby JohnMr. SEAN BROWN, BABY JOHN's DAD,  is so deserving to be thought of on this day. He is one of the TRUE VETERAN's who has fought for YOUR FREEDOMS. He has not only FOUGHT for OUR COUNTRY but now he is fighting to save his FAMILY. Please REMEMBER and keep him in your PRAYERS as you go throughout this day....


    You have not been forgotten by my family or I for all you have been through.We appreciate and honor all you have done, given up and all that is you.We do not have to worry about where we will lay our heads.Where as you never knew where you would sleep at night.THANKS TO YOU we are BLESSED to be able to sleep in our beds.You never knew if you would get rest or would have to fight. You would have to work whether it was night or day.You just PRAYED that GOD was protecting you and keeping you safe.Our FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES and what we hold dear  Were sacrificed by many through SWEAT, BLOOD and TEARS.We have been grateful to call this COUNTRY our home.While many of you end up homeless while you were gone.For in their lives, there are many who are ungrateful for what's been done.They forget about ALL the FAMILIES that have lost mothers, fathers daughters and sons.There are those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.So you could sleep safely in your bed at night.We need to live everyday and treat OUR VETS with RESPECT.To them we owe many THANKS and each and every breath.For you see, without  those who gave some and those who gave all.You do not have the right to be here or to be standing that tall.For those who are no longer here but have passed on, may your MEMORY and LEGACY forever be remembered while you are gone.
    For those who are still abroad and fighting to till this day,May GOD PROTECT YOU and safely bring you home, I PRAY!!You have not been forgotten by my family or I for all you have been through.WE APPRECIATE AND HONOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE, GIVEN UP AND ALL THAT IS YOU!!!

    A few people have talked about still registering for this &  doing this in their home town sounds good to me. This family needs & deserves our support!

    Saturday, November 10, 2012


    Here is the event page for the Bringing Home the Browns Benefit Run! Please share!
    Saturday, December 1 at 8:00am at Calvary Baptist Church, Gladewater, Texas
    Our wonderful church family at Calvary Baptist Church, Gladewater is sponsoring a fun run on December 1st for Bringing Home the Brown's! All proceeds will go to the Brown family to help with expenses. If you live close please come out and support Sean, Heather and Baby John!


    P.U.S.H: Pray Until Something Happens When there's nothing left but God, that's when u find out that God's all u need. Take 60 seconds & give this a shot! All u do is simply say the following small prayer for Ms. HEATHER BROWN:

    Father, God please bless all Ms. HEATHER's  family members, relatives, friends & loved ones in whatever it is that U know they may be needing this day! For you have her life in your hands and know what she needs. May their life be full of Ur love, peace, prosperity & power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you but as they also PRAY for the AWAKENING  and LOVE of their loved one. in Jesus' name. Amen.

    To pray for Ms. HEATHER BROWN is an unselfish thing to do. That's what OUR HEAVENLY FATHER expects from me and you.
    It's not that hard to do and you really should try. Just put your palms of your hand together and look towards the sky.
    Then you start speaking to HIM as you do to anyone else you may know. For GOD is always with you no matter where you may go.
    It is up to YOU what words YOU speak to HIM above.I am going to send my own special gift I have to send that is filled with my love.
    God knows what Ms. HEATHER is needing and he knows what will pull her through. For it is with prayers to be sent to HEAVEN under her name from LOVING people such as ME & YOU.
    I am joing thousands of others on this blessed Day. Because as one, we will join together for
    Ms. HEATHER BROWN and PRAY!!!!!

    For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
    Matthew 18:20

    Hey Ya'll

    Hey y'all! Wanted to share another cute picture and give y'all an update! Everything has been so busy with getting Mommy settled traveling back and forth to Shreveport. Daddy and I are here with our Sleeping Beauty today! And guess what? Daddy said the new doctors are more optimistic here about Mommy waking up. I don't 'zactly know what optimistic means on account of I'm not even 2 months old, but it must be good because Daddy was smiling! Daddy and I also can tell Mommy is more active each time we come and this is very good news! She was so glad to snuggle me I think! Thank y'all for all y'all do to keep us going! The prayers, encouraging words, donations and gifts make us feel so loved! We love y'all too! -Baby John
    Hey y'all! Wanted to share another cute picture and give y'all an update! Everything has been so busy with getting Mommy settled traveling back and forth to Shreveport.  Daddy and I are here with our Sleeping Beauty today! And guess what? Daddy said the new doctors are more optimistic here about Mommy waking up. I don't 'zactly know what optimistic means on account of I'm not even 2 months old, but it must be good because Daddy was smiling! Daddy and I also can tell Mommy is more active each time we come and this is very good news! She was so glad to snuggle me I think! Thank y'all for all y'all do to keep us going! The prayers, encouraging words, donations and gifts make us feel so loved! We love y'all too! -Baby John

    Monday, November 5, 2012

    Mommy's in Shreveport

    Bringing Home the Browns
    about an hour ago   5:20 pm  11-5-2012 
    We got Mommy all settled in at her new hospital in Shreveport. Daddy went there today to meet all the sweet nurses and therapists, and guess what? They are super excited to be helping my Mommy get better and can't wait to meet little ol' me!Photo: We got Mommy all settled in at her new hospital in Shreveport. Daddy went there today to meet all the sweet nurses and therapists, and guess what? They are super excited to be helping my Mommy get better and can't wait to meet little ol' me! And these 2 things make my little heart so very happy! -Love, Baby John
     And these 2 things make my little heart so very happy! -Love, Baby John
    You and 47,279 others like this.
    Look how big he IS GETTING. oNLY wishing AND praying THAT his mommy AWAKENS soon, so that SHE too can see thie wonderful BABY of HERS!!!!

    Sunday, November 4, 2012

    keep PUSHING




    I haven't forgotten what I PROMISED You.
    BLESSED be those who also does PRAY
    YOU will be BRINGING the BROWN's HOME one day

    Friday, November 2, 2012





    Thursday, November 1, 2012



    NEIGHBOR  UPDATED HER STATUS and a FRIEND told    BIG HEART in small town who shared it with YOU!!!  
    3 hours ago        LACEY COURTNEY QUIBODEAUX
     BIG HEART in small town replied:  PRAYERS ARE WORKING and so is OUR SUPPORT!!!! now WE NEED to get MORE PEOPLE to WRITE in for THEM!!!! xoxoxo THANKS FOR THE UPDATE

    this should have brought a SMILE to your face. Yet, we are not where we want to be yet.
    So far I have Sent messages or e-mails to : Jeff Probst Show, DELILAH, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Ellen Show, Fox News, KBMT, KFDM, NBC, CBS,Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble (Pampers), CBS this morning, Ricki Lake, 700 Club, Today Show, Rachel Ray, Ryan Seacrest Foundation, Ryan Seacrest, Live with Kelly & Michael,GAC-Veterans Day Honors, ,, ABC ( the View, GMA, the CHEW, 20/20, What Would You do?),
    then added:  Beaumont ENterprise, Buna Beacon,KJAS RADIO, Jasper Newsboy,Port Arthur News, Record Newspapers,New York Times,Nancy Grace,
    Hardin County News, Silsbee Bee

    YOU Ms.ANNETTE!!!!

    FUNDRAISING to get one of these great items and help out the family
    ALL COMMENTS THAT ARE NOT A BID WILL BE DELETED IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID CONFUSION. One of our wonderful Facebook friends will not be using their NASCAR tickets for the Nationwide (O'Reilly Auto Parts) race this Saturday, November 3rd at Texas ...
    Motor Speedway.These are EXCELLENT tickets as they cannot be purchased without a personal seat license! Will give winner the phone number at end of bidding. Thank y'all! Seats are Section PU102, Row 32, Seats 1 and 2 and a VIP/PSL Parking pass. Contact info for seat holder will be given at the end of the bidding. Bidding will end at 8pm tonight, 11/1. If you can't bid please share!
    See More
    ALL COMMENTS THAT ARE NOT A BID WILL BE DELETED IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID CONFUSION. One of our awesome Facebook friends is donating his TWO Dallas Mavericks tickets for Saturday night against the Bobcats at 7:30pm. Tickets will be either is se...
    ction 121 or 116 no higher than row 6. The person donating them works for the Mavs and this is why the exact location is not known. His seats change every game. This also includes a photo on the court after the game! Contact info for ticket holder will be given at the end of the bid. Bidding will end at 8pm tonight, 11/1. If you can't bid please share!

    10-29 Monday via Mobile

    Bringing Home the Browns
    Monday via Mobile
    We have been accepted by a facility and can't wait to share with y'all! Just waiting for an approval from Tricare. Specific prayer request is a yes from them. And we want it quick so that Heather can get the help she needs and we can finish Bringing Home The Browns!
    • Me  and 73950 people like this.
    • 2 of 2,264

    Wednesday, October 31, 2012



    It's the

    On October 31,2012   Jesus's gang celebrates Halloween hoping that, finally,  The Great Pumpkin will come visiting.

    "We are going to the party with or without YOU, Clyde"

    The party was to be held out on the HILL.. Everyone was so excited bc there was supposed to be a LADY of the LAKE who came out of the pond next to the where the party was supposed to be. Every year, Clyde believed that there was a GREAT PUMKPIN that would rise out of the pumpkin patch.This is John's first HALLOWEEN PARTY. It's his first HALLOWEEN with his DADDY also!!!

    John went to the party where there were Lu-Lu, Jayce, Jordan, Clyde, Zelda, Jasmine,Jo-Jo, Brittany, Eric, Jennice, Chassidy, Karleigh, Olajajuan, Samuel, Tristin and the whole gang. While Olajajuan was spinning the music while everyone was dancing to whatever he was playing. When THRILLER came on, Brittany and Eric mimiicked each others movements and helped make the night. When the song MONSTER MASH came on, EVERYONE was jamming down. Yet, Eric felt sad and had a frown. John's dad asked him what was wrong. Eric said that he didn't feel right because others were being mean John's dad  answered that he knew how that felt for he knows of others who has  been done that way. So that Eric knows he's not the only one, John's dad said he would love to mentor Eric like he would his own son.. Eric asked if Mr. Sean could bring John  to go with him and wait for the GREAT PUMPKIN with Clyde and the gang.

    Meanwhile, Eric's sister, Jennice had already left the party an hour ago with Clyde because she had a crush on Shorty Fred, aka JORDAN. She knew that he was always at the patch with Clyde. One looked north and the other looked south so that way THE GREAT PUMPKIN wouldn't be missed.. On the walk, Eric was feeling blue, but when he seen the sight before him when he got to the pumpkin patch , he started feeling even bluer .John's dad had to carry him because John was just a baby. Eric found out that JOHN's mom had been put into a deep sleep and they were wating for her to wake up and how much he loves his wife and son.Eric told him I tell you what I will do, I will ask for PRAYERS for you. They are the best medicine in the world.

    At the Pumpkin Patch, everyone was just sitting around. Some were on pumpkins and others on the ground. WHY does EVERYONE feel so BLUE???   Listen to me and I know what we can do....

    "A friend of my mom's was put into a deep sleep. Doesn't that make you want to weep. Only one way to wake her is a kiss from EVERYONE IN THE WORLD and to do this, WE HAVE TO PRAY. Won't you hold hands with me and help me PRAY for the BROWN FAMILY?"  Eric told everyone there. "That way we can show our friend how much we care."    After the PRAYER was said and the tears were gone......................     AMEN, FRIENDS

    OFF in the distance they heard a slight moan.........."Hey, everyone", Clyde said,"do you hear that sound? That must mean the GREAT PUMPKIN is around." There was some rustling somewhere to the NORTHEAST and they thought it sounded like a BIG BEAST.
    Who wants to drink hot chocolate with me" came around midnight. Some of them were getting cold but a fire warmes them up.

    "Don't you hear it?? Look there is a shadow on that pumpkin over there."Clydeasked .......................PLEASE FRIENDS LETS HOLD HANDS............................................................... Nope, it turned out to be Chubby, who once belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Daugherty.

    moaning and moaning and moaning were heard while no-one spoke not a word. After an hour some of them said,'This is all I can take. I am going back to see the LADY on the LAKE."

    ................PLEASE LET'S HOLD HANDS...............

    OFF in the distance they heard a slight moan.........."Hey, everyone", Clyde said,"do you hear that sound? That must mean the GREAT PUMPKIN is around." There was some rustling somewhere to the NORTHEAST and they thought it sounded like a BIG BEAST.
    ................................................. Nope it turned out to be ROTTEN ANGEL MARIE when they seen her white hair flying by.

    Ten minutes later, "Don't you hear it?? Look there is a shadow on that pumpkin over there?"Clyde said again.just  as there was a visible shadow on one of the pumkins to the NORTHEAST. "I kow it's the GREAT PUMPKIN. Good Grief, John Brown. Tell me you are hearing the same thing as me?"

    "Who wants to drink hot chocolate with me" came around the time it was to put all the younger ones to bed. (For the older ones. warms them up until they decide to go home.)Was none other than my AUNT JU-JU, also known as CRAZY RED!!!!!!

    Every year around this time, the same thing happens in al most the same way. Yet, everyone seems to have a good time. "I told you there isn't such a thing as the GREAT PUMPKIN, Clyde" everyone would say. Yet, "THANKS TO GOOD FRIENDS LOOK AT THE MEMORIES WE MADE".......That's what was the last thing that John Brown's dad said as PRAYERS made him SMILE and not be down..............."A friend of my mom's was put into a deep sleep. Doesn't that make you want to weep. Only one way to wake her is a kiss from EVERYONE IN THE WORLD and to do this, WE HAVE TO PRAY. Won't you hold hands with me and help me PRAY for the BROWN FAMILY?"

    As everyone left for the night and they were walking away. This is what some of them had to say..............

    Knowing that your MOM is resting, I thought we might let her sleep, for IT's THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHARLIE BROWN is going to come on soon, so don't make a peep.
    HOPING that YOUR FAMILY gets to go home even sooner, it would be out of sight.
    The moon tonight is supposed to be full and to look at very pretty.THANKS TO GOOD FRIENDS LOOK AT THE MEMORIES WE MADE.......That's what was the last thing that ever came from John Brown as the PRAYER they repeated made him SMILE and not be down..............."A friend of my mom's was put into a deep sleep. Doesn't that make you want to weep. Only one way to wake her is a kiss from EVERYONE IN THE WORLD and to do this, WE HAVE TO PRAY. Won't you hold hands with me and help me PRAY for the BROWN FAMILY?"

    PRAYERS GOING OUT TO YOU, your MOMMY, and your DADDY        from ALL OVER THE WORLD and ME!!!!


    please feel free to leave BABY JOHN a PRAYER!!!  THANKS and MAY GOD BLESS

                                 LET' US HOLD HANDS AND PRAY FOR THE BROWN's