During my short time I have been living on this earth, I have seen too much with my weary eyes. My house burning to the ground,my parents divorce, brother's incaceration, children's bullying I had lost everything twice to a fiery demise. Not to mention the abuse I went through from and by my father. That is something that should never happen to anyone's daughter. I have lost MANY LOVED ones from 1974 to 2012. Yet, I know they are watching over me still so I won't dwell. There are things I cannot remember and things I can from being a kid. Somewhere along the way though I learned from everything I did. Like when I was told not to ride my bicycle to my uncles or that your not supposed to jump on the bed, I chipped my front tooth flipping over the bike when my baby doll got caught in the spokes and I have a scar on my face to permenantly remind me of the metal ceiling fan I bent with my head.
I once was BLIND but now I see. For there was also a time in my life that HE was there with me. I am a SURVIVOR of SEXUAL ABUSE when I was a child. Yet, JESUS was with me holding my hand so that I didn't turn wild. I am forever THANKFUL and GRATEFUL that GOD sent HIM to ME. For I once was BLIND but now I do see.Dear Jesus,I know that I have gone through more things than this and you have always pulled me through. That's why I know in my heart that as I type, these words are not from me but they are coming from YOU.....
(This is the time for everyone to PRAY. That you may live to see another day. The world is turning into a tortured zone. During my time, it's getting worse than anyone's ever seen or known.
God really does listen & answers prayers!)
Hurricane Sandy just SLAMMED into the part of the UNITED STATES TODAY. ALL we can do as a One NATION UNDER GOD is to PRAY!! There so many UNMISTAKABLE signs that GOD's hand played a part in this. MANY MANY LOVED ONES ARE KNOWN LOST AND THOUSANDS are going to be missed. I am listening to the NATIONAL NEWS on my TV. I cannot believe what I hear or see. Looking through articles on the web, I am still in SHOCK.
If YOU can get PAST YOUR GREED, SELFISHNESS, ENVY, AND COVETNESS you could hear GOD's knock. NOw I am not going to get all PREACHY on you for some don't feel this way. (For, you all I can do is PRAY!)
But along the way I will mention JESUS.....FOR OUR COUNTRY is really going to need ALL OF US!!!!!!)

One day this past week on my Aunt's Facebook page, I seen something about Bringing Home the BROWN's. Once I read their STORY, I was feeling sad and kinda down. I never make a PROMISE because they are not always kept. I learned long ago when I was younger as I often wept. Yet, I will PROMISE someting if I know I can honestly with it go through. That is
why I am reposting , also their story, so you know that I type has been TRUE.I BELEIVE that this is a STORY that needs to be TOLD. Please go to the bottomw of this page and read their story. I think that if this YOUNG MAN could go over and FIGHT for OUR COUNTRY then OUR COUNTRY can HELP HIM FIGHT FOR HIS FAMILY!!!FRIENDS are what make the world go round. They help make smiles from frowns. Why don't you join in with me? PLEASE SEND OUT PRAYERS FOR THE BROWN FAMILY!!!!! MAY YOU BE BLESSED by REPOSTING and SHARING. So that the BROWNS will remember ALL who were so CARING!!!
Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy loved hunting and the girl loved shoes and they fell in love and got married. They bought a little house in a little Texas town, and the boy went to work everyday protecting that little town. He was a police officer, and he loved his job and that sleepy little town. The boy also love his country, and became a soldier in the National Guard. Life was good, and they were happy, but something was missing. They began to pray for a baby. Time went on, days turned to months, and months to years. 7 years to be exact. And then the news came. That boy and that girl were having a boy of their own. This is the part of the story where you come in...
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".
Now I lay me down to sleep, I never make a PROMISE I WILL NOT KEEP. For BRINGING HOME the BROWNS, I made a PROMISE to YOU. I have done exactly what I said I would do. Before I go to sleep there's one more thing I need to say: GOD PLEASE BRING HOME THE BROWN's, IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY!! Now I lay me down to sleep, for I NEVER make a PROMISE I DO NOT INTEND TO KEEP.<3 <3 Dear Mr. Brown & Family, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. WE are going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing from them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Buna, Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS. <3 <3
I am an ANGEl sent from above sending you a message of PEACE, UNITY, and LOVE.I was born to a family that some are real and some are fake;
While I learned to give of myself, the others learned to take.
They rarely give of theirselves unless they will gain.
And for that, they all should be ashamed.
Now here I am with less than any of you?
And you want ME to be true?
That is only something GOD can decide.
And if you do not believe, you had better hide.
For the time has come to let HIM in, to make your enemies into friends.
Because when the time is near and finally come,
We are going to make a PRAYER chain to SEND all over the world. You can add your own lessons learned or memories that HE has helped pulled you through. As you press like and begin to share, you have just sent up another PRAYER.......
so far on behalf of myself and others, WE have EMAILED or MESSAGED ALL THESE about the BROWN's. Could you also send soemthing on YOUR BEHALF in support?? Jeff Probst Show, DELILAH, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Ellen Show, Fox News, KBMT, KFDM, NBC, CBS,Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble (Pampers), CBS this morning, Ricki Lake, 700 Club, Today Show, Rachel Ray, Ryan Seacrest Foundation, Ryan Seacrest, Live with Kelly & Michael,GAC-Veterans Day Honors, USO, Hands on Network, ABC ( the View, GMA, the CHEW, 20/20, What Would You do?),Beaumont ENterprise, Buna Beacon,KJAS RADIO, Jasper Newsboy,Port Arthur News, Record Newspapers,New York Times,Nancy Grace,
Hardin County News, Silsbee Bee

Bringing Home the Brown's
Big HEART in small Town
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