Tuesday, October 30, 2012



Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy loved hunting and the girl loved shoes and they fell in love and got married. They bought a little house in a little Texas town, and the boy went to work everyday protecting that little town. He was a police officer, and he loved his job and that sleepy little town. The boy also love his country, and became a soldier in the National Guard. Life was good, and they were happy, but something was missing. They began to pray for a baby. Time went on, days turned to months, and months to years. 7 years to be exact. And then the news came. That boy and that girl were having a boy of their own. This is the part of the story where you come in...
On September 15, 2012, at 34 weeks, while her husband Mr.Sean was serving our country in Afghanistan, Ms. Heather Brown went to the hospital with back pain and a headache. After arriving at the hospital, Heather began having seizures caused by a massive brain bleed. The baby, John Michael Thomas Brown, was taken by emergency C-section. Heather slipped into a coma. The baby was rushed to a neighboring hospital with a NICU.
It took 72 hours to bring our first Brown home from Afghanistan. The longest 3 days of his life. Flights that were hours on end with no communication. Not knowing how his wife and son were doing. Upon arrival at Tyler Pounds Field, Sean was given a police escort to the hospital, where his tiny newborn son was. That guy may be little, but he is strong like his daddy and the doctors and nurses say he is going to be okay, and soon, this little Brown will come home too.
After seeing his son, Sean went to his wife's side, where he has been constantly for the last month. Heather is still in a coma, and the doctor's tell us she may never come out. But we know our God is in the business of miracles. We believe through the power of prayer, Heather will wake up, and we believe this Brown is coming home, too.
This family needs all the prayer, encouragement and support they can get. That can't happen without people like you. Friends like you. Please follow this story. Share this story. Please put them on your church prayer list. Please join us in this journey as God creates an amazing testimony of "Bringing Home the Browns".
Update:10/4/2012 For anyone asking about mailing cards or gifts to the family. The mailing address is PO Box 644, Gladewater, TX 75647.
There is also a link next to the picture and likes tab on our page that says helping out.
For all of our friends asking about updates on Heather. This journey is a marathon. It will take time, and we will need your constant support and prayer. As changes happen we will share it with our friends here. Thank you so much for your support and prayer!
Update:10/5/2012 John Michael Thomas Brown came home from the hospital at a little over 5 pounds and doctors are pleased with his development. He and Daddy are adjusting, and Sean tries to divide time at home with Baby John and time at the hospital with Heather.

Update:10/15/2012 It has been 1 month to date, and Heather remains in the hospital in a coma. we continue to pray for a miracle and ask you to do the same. Thank you for all the love, kindness and support y'all have given and will continue to give. God bless.
Helping Out
by Bringing Home the Browns on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 2:50pm ·
I have had many of you friends ask if there is donations needed.  My daddy has only asked for prayer, and your kind words help get us through the day.  My daddy is a great provider and works very hard to take care of my mommy and prepare for me, but right now, he needs to be with me and mommy, and soon, when I get to go home, he will need to be there taking care of me for a while.  Thank you for asking if Daddy, Mommy and I need help! That is so very nice!                                                  Love, Baby John

this is what I sent from  myself and my family:
<3 Dear Mr. Brown & Family, you do not know me but I know of YOU. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through.  Though I have never walked in your shoes or felt what you are feeling. I know that PRAYERS are MIRACLES that can bring along powerful HEALING. WHEN ONE OR MORE GATHER IN HIS NAME, JESUS IS NEAR. WHEN THOUSANDS GATHER IN SUPPORT OF YOU, THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HEAR. I am going to do what I can to help your FAMILY out. That is a PROMISE that I can make without a doubt. WE are going to post on all the NATIONAL TV NEWS your story. By the time that YOUR SUPPORTERS are through with them, they will be tired of hearing from them and me. Tomorrow we will wake to a brand new day. FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY, I do PRAY!Yet, I BELIEVE in PRAYERS and I have FAITH that GOD has YOUR FAMILY under HIS CARE. That is why from Buna, Texas, I am having MY FAMILY & FRIENDS also send out their PRAYERS.  <3
Thank you for taking the time to read this and PLEASE HELP THE BROWN FAMILY????

sent messages or e-mails to : Jeff Probst Show, DELILAH, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, Dr. Phil, Oprah, Ellen Show, Fox News, KBMT, KFDM, NBC, CBS,Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble (Pampers), CBS this morning, Ricki Lake, 700 Club, Today Show, Rachel Ray, Ryan Seacrest Foundation, Ryan Seacrest, Live with Kelly & Michael,GAC-Veterans Day Honors, www.uso.org , www.handsonnetwork.org, ABC ( the View, GMA, the CHEW, 20/20, What Would You do?),

then added:  Beaumont ENterprise, Buna Beacon,KJAS RADIO, Jasper Newsboy,Port Arthur News, Record Newspapers,New York Times,Nancy Grace,
Hardin County News, Silsbee Bee
147 Columbus Avenue  
New York, NY  10023
Primetime/What Would You Do?
147 Columbus Avenue  
New York, NY  10023
Nightline/This Week
1717 DeSales Street  NW
Washington, DC  20036
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer
47 West 66th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY  10023
Good Morning America
147 Columbus Avenue  
New York, NY  10023

Dear Baby John Michael Thomas Brown,
 I do not know you personally but I have read your story and I am sorry to hear about your Mommy. By what I have read, though, I know she is a kind, loving and wonderful LADY!
 For 7 years, your parents were so truely in love that they PRAYED for you to the Heavens above. They found out one day that they were to have you. They were so THANKFUL for this BLESSING that was about to come true.
 While your Daddy was so very far away, your Mommy was home preparing for your BIRTHDAY.
 For some reason GOD put your Mommy into a deep sleep, that it caused many of your loved ones to be sad and weep. Your Daddy is a hero in the hearts of his fellow man. Yet, he was unable to attend your birth for he was in Afghanistan.
 Until your Mommy awakens and can share with you her love, YOU, BABY JOHN MICHAEL THOMAS BROWN and YOUR DADDY will always be in my thoughts and my PRAYERS that I send to GOD above.
 While, though, she is sleeping I also PRAY for your MOMMY. PRAYING GOD wakes her up from this rest real soon to see her NEW BABY!
  I ask that Jesus comforts and protects you, Baby John, each and every day. I am asking this unselfishly with all of my heart and my soul each and everytime I do pray.
 And to your WONDERFUL DADDY who is so very proud of his little one, I PRAY ALL YOUR PRAYERS be answered and ALL YOUR HURT be UNDONE.
 I cannot take the credit for writing this to YOU. For GOD is my guiding force in all that I do.
 Now that this has been done and written and I have passed it your way, I KNOW MIRACLES DO HAPPEN THROUGH HOPE AND FAITH IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I never make a PROMISE I WILL NOT KEEP. For BRINGING HOME the BROWNS, I made a PROMISE to YOU. I have done exactly what I said I would do. Before I go to sleep there's one more thing I need to say: GOD PLEASE BRING HOME THE BROWN's, IN JESUS NAME, I DO PRAY!!  Now I lay me down to sleep, for I NEVER make a PROMISE I DO NOT INTEND TO KEEP. 

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